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Topic: “Problems with Drugs”

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Learn more and watch videos of Veterans sharing their experiences with problems with drugs and what they did to get on a path to recovery.

Therapy and Golf Help Keep Navy Veteran on Course

Paul’s drinking and drug use cost him his marriage and friends. Therapy helped the Veteran face his problems, begin his healing journey, and refocus on giving to others. Golfing also provides some of the camaraderie he had been missing.

3-minute read

Problems with Drugs, Problems with Alcohol, Family and Relationships

At a Low Point, Veteran Finds a Path to Sobriety and Success

After a troubled end to a promising Navy career, Manuel’s drug use led him to crime and a lengthy prison term. Now he’s hoping the story of his journey back to success will prove to other Veterans that change is possible for anyone.

3-minute read

Financial and Legal Issues, Problems with Drugs, Family and Relationships, Student Veterans

Mental Health Care Options Give Veterans Many Ways To Heal

The stories that Ryan, Greg, and Bridget are sharing for Mental Health Month show there are many treatment paths Veterans can take to reach the same destination: enjoying a fuller life.

3-minute read

PTSD, Family and Relationships, Problems with Drugs, Traumatic Brain Injury, Physical Injury, Flashbacks, Depression, Nightmares

Veteran Pays It Forward After Substance Misuse Treatment

After experiencing decades of despair and drug misuse, Kevin found treatments that empowered him to rebuild his life and relationships. He also found a new purpose: helping other Veterans with substance use disorder navigate their obstacles to recovery.

4-minute read

Problems with Drugs, Physical Injury, Homelessness, Feelings of Hopelessness, Family and Relationships

Navy Veteran Charts New Course After Substance Misuse

Drug and alcohol misuse and untreated symptoms of PTSD caught up to Rick when he was arrested after an incident at his home on Christmas Eve. This was the moment that prompted him to seek the treatment that turned his life around.

3-minute read

Problems with Drugs, Problems with Alcohol, Financial and Legal Issues, PTSD, Transitioning From Service

Depression Is a Treatable Condition

Feeling hopeless is a symptom of depression, not a reflection of reality. Two Veterans explain how they overcame hopelessness and found support and treatments that turned their lives around.

4-minute read

Depression, Feelings of Hopelessness, Family and Relationships, Problems with Drugs, Problems with Alcohol

Veteran Finds Fulfilling Life After Cancer Diagnosis

This Marine Veteran survived cancer, homelessness and isolation with the help of therapy, community and fencing.

4-minute read

Physical Injury, Homelessness, Problems with Drugs, Depression

Finding Her Direction

Mary Ann’s focus on her children kept her motivated to seek and stick with VA treatment for substance use disorder and severe depression. The Navy Veteran found recovery, housing and a fulfilling job — all thanks to the treatment she had been avoiding for years.

4-minute read

Problems with Drugs, Depression, Family and Relationships, Homelessness

Lost and Found

David largely ignored the emotional toll of his military service, but he could not ignore the loss of his older brother a short time after David transitioned out. Aimless and alone, David took a self-destructive path of drug and alcohol misuse and reckless behavior that led to jail time. In the court system, he found treatment for substance use disorder and a navigated a new path.

3-minute read

Problems with Drugs, Homelessness, Financial and Legal Issues

Better Together

Hear how this Veteran couple restored their mental health and their marriage through treatment.

2-minute read

Family and Relationships, Physical Injury, Problems with Drugs

Losses Led to Recovery

While serving in the prestigious 82nd Airborne Division of the U.S. Army, Daniel turned to drugs and alcohol after the suicide of his best friend. Several years later, it was the death of another loved one that moved Daniel to regain control of his life.

4-minute read

PTSD, Problems with Drugs, Anger and Irritability

What Does “Treatment” Mean for You?

For a Veteran facing a mental health challenge, the term “treatment” can mean counseling, medication, self-help approaches, peer support services, or some combination of those options.

4-minute read

Trouble Sleeping, Depression, Problems with Drugs

Small Steps Lead to Big Strides

It can feel daunting to start a conversation or take a first step toward helping a loved one who’s facing a mental health challenge. Family members of Veterans share their stories and the lessons they’ve learned about making a difference.

4-minute read

Problems with Drugs, Depression

Helping Hands

Serving as a Navy Seabee, Phillip escaped certain death when an unseen hand rescued him from a mudslide in Honduras. A decade later, when he found himself mired in PTSD, anger, aggression, and drug use, it was VA that pulled him up. Now, Phillip is a state-certified peer specialist, offering a helping hand to other Veterans in crisis.

5-minute read

PTSD, Family and Relationships, Problems with Drugs, Nightmares, Homelessness

A Series of Chaotic Mistakes That Somehow Went Right

Rick, a U.S. Navy Veteran, overcame PTSD and problems with alcohol through cognitive behavioral therapy, group therapy, and more.

3-minute read

PTSD, Problems with Drugs, Problems with Alcohol

“I Did It. You Can Do It Too.”

La Wanda, a U.S. Navy Veteran, opens up about her journey through substance misuse and addiction to help other Veterans.

4-minute read

Problems with Drugs, Financial and Legal Issues

"He's My Best Friend Now"

Follow the journey of Ed and his daughter Jasmine — from his drug use and homelessness to one phone call that changed everything.

4-minute read

Family and Relationships, Problems with Drugs, Homelessness

After Crashing, Stephen Found a Community

Stephen had substance use issues and posttraumatic stress disorder. Now a community of support is helping him follow his dream of working in the mental health field.

4-minute read

PTSD, Problems with Drugs

“Today, I Welcome the Day In”

Vernon, a U.S. Army Veteran, found support for coping with the effects of a traumatic training accident and problems with drugs.

3-minute read

Family and Relationships, Problems with Drugs

Better, Together

Cheryl helps her partner, Jerry, a U.S. Air Force Veteran, overcome addictions.

5-minute read

Family and Relationships, Problems with Drugs

In Search of Relief, Doug Found a New Problem: Addiction

Doug, a U.S. Army Veteran, battled addiction to opioids before finding help.

5-minute read

Problems with Drugs

Veterans: Choose Strength Over Silence

The latest Make the Connection video, "Strength Over Silence," highlights stories of how Veterans used their voices and reached out for mental health treatment to improve their lives.

3-minute read

Jobs and Employment, PTSD, Family and Relationships, Problems with Drugs, Transitioning From Service, Trouble Sleeping

Four Stories That Will Inspire You This Mental Health Awareness Month

Servicemembers continue to inspire us after their military service. Read four inspiring stories of Veterans who overcame challenges such as PTSD and problems with drugs.

6-minute read

PTSD, Problems with Drugs, Physical Injury, Military Sexual Trauma, Flashbacks, Transitioning From Service